But Jesus Said

Last fall I (shockingly) found something on Facebook I don’t agree with. As I scrolled through the first dozen posts on my feed, this graphic appeared at least three times. Obviously it resonated with many of my friends and family. But, when I read it, I felt small, mute, powerless. I felt called to misery…


Toothpaste Blessed are You,Lord our God,Queen of the Universe,for chocolate chipsmelted into a couch cushion,bandaids on the shower wall,and toothpaste. so. much. toothpaste—crusted onto the tube,smeared on the bathroom counter,cemented to sinks and walls. Blessed are Youfor Cheerios on the kitchen floorcrushed into powder,coat wet and dirtyfrom a night in the back yard,sandal forever lostin…

Prayer, Revised and Expanded

My journal takes me back in time. September 25, 2015. Thirty years old. Married ten years. Two daughters—Kyli two months past her first birthday, and Kayt a month shy of her third. That means on the day I wrote this prayer I had a one-year-old and a two-year-old. No surprise that “broken,” “scared,” “no match,”…


Slugs Blessed are You,Lord our God,King of the Universe,for spotted slugs,fat and sticky,slow and steady. Blessed are Youfor measured slither,like slow-motion snakes,leaving moisture on rocks,strings of slime on sticks and leaves,sensing with eyestalks—reach forward, shrink back. Blessed are You,Lord our God,King of the Universe,for mantled slugs,who live their adventuresone inch at a time,knowing only what…


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Hi, I’m Tobi Goff, a recovering perfectionist, learning the crazy ways of Jesus. I am married to a fellow kingdom seeker and together we imperfectly respond to the mystery of God’s grace in our lives. We have two young daughters and enjoy raising them in an old house in the beautiful pacific northwest.

Subscribe! Together let’s taste and see God’s expansive goodness in this hard life.